Most moms would probably not pray for their children to get sick. I, however, did and God listened. Of course, my preferred timing would have been over the weekend so we didn't have to run to all of the family events we had planned for Labor Day weekend.

I'm glad I didn't miss any of the family events. I had a ton of fun spending time with everyone. Of course, I didn't want to miss my family outing...a day of volleyball. How much better could it get? And Monday we went to my SIL's house for my nephew's birthday. We had a great time there as well. So much so we didn't want to leave and head home. I didn't really want to miss any of the family events over the weekend, but we also had a 3-day weekend and we were barely home. I just wanted to lounge and enjoy my peace and quiet. Maybe another weekend....
Back to my answered prayer - Abby came home with a fever on Tuesday. I thought she was just having some sinus issues, but apparently, there are quite a few cases of walking pneumonia in school. She came home for the afternoon and I started organizing my pictures right away. I organized pictures I had on hand. I organized pictures on Snapfish. I organized my spreadsheet which told me which pictures I had on hand and which pictures I had on Snapfish. Let's just say I got organized.
I kept Abby home from school on Wednesday as well. Why take a chance and send her to school with all of those viruses walking around within confined walls? So, I spent Wednesday morning....yes, organizing more pictures. Now I feel ready to place my order through soon as I upload the pictures from Samantha's church camp this summer.
After all that organizing, I needed to do some exercise. I did my Jillian Michaels Making the Cut Day #1 and Pilates/Yoga. It felt good to get it done, except when Abby came downstairs and started chanting "Move it Move it Move it! You need to lose some!" OK, actually that was funny, but when she called me fat a couple of hours later I didn't not find her very humorous.
Oh, the delightful unabashed mouths of children. So funny...and yet, not!
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